En passant du format papier au numérique, Mondo Macabro n'a pas cessé de débusquer aux quatre coins du monde des œuvres cinématographiques hors normes.
A l'occasion de la sortie en dvd de deux Jesus Franco, nous ne pouvions que les contacter pour proposer une partie (encore disponible) de leur catalogue.
Journal érotique d'une nymphomane - Jesus Franco (1975)

Linda comes to the big city in search of fun and excitement. What she finds is exploitation and abuse at the hands of a succession of sleazy guys. Searching for love, she enters into a lesbian relationship with a beautiful countess, discovers drugs and swingers’ parties and starts acting in porno movies. She also begins to write a secret diary..

Bonus :
* Brand new anamorphic 1.66:1 scope HD transfer taken from the negative
* Introduction by critic & author Stephen Thrower
* fear & Desire: Thrower on Franco
* Extensive notes & text essays
* Mondo Macabro preview trailer
* Scene access
Le film est disponible en version française et le disque est toute zone.
Lorna l'exorciste (1974)

Patrick, a rich businessman, celebrates his daughter Linda's 18th birthday by taking her and his wife to a famous casino resort in the south of France, where, 20 years earlier, he had won the money that enabled him to start his business and begin his rise to the top. At the casino he meets the beautiful and mysterious Lorna, whom he first encountered that night 20 years ago. She reminds him that he made a promise to her back then. She is the power behind his success and now she has returned to claim her reward - his daughter, Linda. A masterpiece of transgressive horror from Jess Franco.

Bonus :
* Brand new anamorphic 1.66:1 scope HD transfer taken from the negative
* Introduction by critic & author Stephen Thrower
* fear & Desire: Thrower on Franco
* Interview de Gérard Kikoine
* Mondo Macabro preview trailer
* Scene access
Le film est également disponible en version française et le disque est toute zone.
Saluons le travail, oh combien difficile, de Mondo Macabro a nous proposer ces deux (bons) Jess Franco dans des conditions optimales pour la première fois en dvd.
A défaut de faire une présentation de tous les films disponibles à la boutique voici la liste.
Le Diabolique Dr Z – Jess Franco
Aswang – Wrye Martin & Barry Poltermann
Dracula au Pakistan – Khwaja Sarfaraz
Les week-ends maléfiques du Comte Zaroff – Michel Lemoine
Blood of the Virgins – Emilio Vieyra
Lady Terminator – Jalil Jackson
Crazy Love – Dominique Derrudere
Dangerous Seductress – H Tjut Djalil
The Killer must Kill again – Luigi Cozzi
The Mansion of Madness – Juan Lopez Moctezuma
Clonus – Robert S Fiveson
Panic Beats – Jacinto Molina
Satanico Pandemonium – Gilberto Martinez Solares
French Sex Murders – F.L.Morriss
Living Doll – Peter Litten & George Dugdale
Morgane et ses nymphes – Bruno Gantillon
The Deathless Devil & Tarkan vs The Vikings – Yilmaz Atadeniz / Mehmet Aslan
For Your Height Only & Challenge of the Tiger – Eddie Nicart / Bruce Le
Virgins From Hell – Ackyl Anwari
Satan’s Blood – Carlos Puerto
Mais ne nous délivrez pas du mal - Joel Séria
Lifespan – Alexander Whitelaw
The Devil’s Sword – Ratno Timoer
Bandh Darwaza & Purana Mandir – Tulsi & Shyam Ramsey
Snake Dancer – Dirk de Villiers
La Rose écorchée - Claude Mulot
Silip/Daughters of Eve – Elwood Perez
The Queen of Black Magic – Liliek Sudijo
Assault! Jack the Ripper – Yasuharu Hasebe
The Watcher In The Attic - Yasuharu Hasebe
The Warrior – Sisworo Gautama Putra
Female Prisoner: Caged! - Masaru Konuma
Sins of Sister Lucia – Koyu Ohara
Veerana & Purani Haveli - Tulsi Ramsay & Shyam Ramsay
Naked Rashomon – Noboru Tanaka
Mahakaal & Tahkhana – Tulsi & Shyam Ramsey
De Sade’s, Prosperities of Vice – Akio Jissoji
Gradiva – Alain Robbe-Grillet
Born of Fire – Jamil Dehlavi
Plus d'informations sur le site de Mondo Macabro
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